A World of Fresh Fruit!
Our tropical farms deliver a whole new level of freshness to your shelves.

Over 15 Tropcial Specialties
With the mission to bring healthier options to grocers across the globe, Goldenberry Farms® was born.
Today, with operations and distribution spanning several continents, we are proud to deliver to you premium, ethical, and sustainable produce... with fairness and goodness in mind every step of the way.

At Goldenberry Farms™, these are just a few of the ways we commit to better living:
Building and maintaining healthy soil
Managing water wisely (Smart water use and reclamation systems to avoid runoff)
Minimizing air, water, and climate pollution
Promoting biodiversity
Maintaining natural forest borders - significantly decrease the need for pesticides
Minimize electricity usage
Carefully reduce the amounts of fertilizer and chemicals used
In addition, we are a Certified Diversity Vendor.

Goldenberry Farms™ is a grower, packer, and exporter of high-quality fruit.
The company has a highly experienced agricultural leadership team, as well as unique proficiencies in product marketing and merchandising.
We have the ability to deliver fruit using a “just in time” inventory system - from field to fly usually in under 30 hours.
Buyers, Click here to contact us and learn how we can improve your produce lineup.

The tropical locales of our farms have ideal conditions to grow exotic superfruit, such as Goldenberries, Passionfruit, Dragonfruit, Sugar Mangos™, Guava, Limes, Organic Produce, and more!

In addition to our own fields and facilities, we work with a growing network of partner-farmers developing programs which aim to improve the quality of life of small producers, and their workers. We offer our partner growers the technical assistance, education, experienced oversight, and quality assurance to satisfy our international customer's requirements.
Let’s do business!
Buyers and Product Managers please click here
to connect our commercial team